Hoarding Fence
Hoarding is a temporary structure of solid construction, erected around the perimeter of construction sites to shield them from view and prevent unauthorized access. It is an important component in ensuring health and safety, for site workers, visitors and the general public and can also be part of a site security system to prevent theft or vandalism. Hoarding can also help to make sites less intrusive an more aesthetically pleasing to people living and working in close proximity, and can minimize disturbances and improve privacy, both for the general public and for workers on site.
Hoarding can be a temporary or long-term installation and may be free-standing, or built into the site.
It is important that it is structurally stable, as it can be exposed to strong wind loads, or impact. It can be a modular system or a bespoke installation and can be made using a wide range of materials such as steel, timber or plywood which may be re-useable or
Hoarding can include barriers, gates, viewing windows, areas of fencing and so on and may be used to display warning and information signs. It can be branded, used for marketing and promotion to advertise the contractor or developer, or can be used to show people what the completed project will look like and how it will impact the local area.
Industrial Zones
Commercial Areas
Residential Areas
Park & Gardens